拆分 vic(看作 vice,邪恶)+ ious(形容词后缀)→恶毒的
例句 He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick.
衍生 viciously adv. 恶毒地 viciousness n. 残忍
翻译 She wrote me a vicious letter(给我写了一封严厉的信) after the incident.
同义替换 evil adj. 邪恶的 malicious adj. 恶毒的
stun [st?n] v. 使震惊,使目瞪口呆;把……打昏,使昏迷
拆分 s(音同“死”)+ tun(音同done,做了)→打昏
例句 Back in the days when people traveled by horse and carriage, Karl Benz stunned the world with his extraordinary three-wheeled motor vehicle.